
News for Immediate Release__


May 28, 2024

CARSON, Calif. 大都会水区计划通过净化目前排入海洋的水来为南加州建立一个新的供水系统,该计划今天得到了美国能源部的资助.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton announced the $99.2 million in funding for Pure Water Southern California 在卡森地区循环水项目示范工厂举行的活动上, where she was joined by U.S. 森. Alex Padilla, U.S. 代表. Grace Napolitano, 加州水资源管理委员会主席Joaquin Esquivel和来自大都会的代表, the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, and other water agencies that were awarded federal funds.

“Adequate, resilient and safe water supplies are fundamental to the health, economy and security of our communities. 在水的回收和再利用方面的投资是扩大有限的水供应的关键, 使系统更能适应美国西部干旱的影响,” Touton said. “水循环利用是一项创新和具成本效益的工具,可以帮助我们的供水更可靠。, helping communities find new sources to meet their needs today, but most importantly to meet our needs in the future.”

大都会区和环卫区在净水项目上合作, 它将把目前排放到海洋的净化废水,用先进的技术进行净化, 多级净化工艺,生产高品质饮用水. If approved by Metropolitan’s board, at full scale, 该项目每天将生产1.5亿加仑的水,足以满足500人的需求,000 homes – that will be delivered to groundwater basins, 工业设施和大都会的两个水处理厂.

“净化的循环水不仅是一种新的水源,也是一种适应气候变化的水源. 这正是我们所需要的,因为气候变化给我们带来了越来越剧烈的天气波动, when every drought seems to be worse than the one before. Having a dependable supply of water, unaffected by the weather, will provide our communities a critical source of reliability,” said Metropolitan board Chair Adán Ortega, Jr. “We are immensely grateful to our federal partners for their support.”

新宣布的联邦资金将有助于推进该项目所需的设计188bet棋牌平台和现有基础设施的改进. 建设最早将于2026年开始,第一批水将于2032年输送.



“确保南加州有可靠的供水需要我们所有人共同努力. 它也有利于整个州和国家,而不仅仅是1900万居住在这里的人. Our businesses and industries are an economic engine for the nation. And we need water to make that engine run,” Hagekhalil said.

“纯水示范项目已经准备好发展并成为一个长期的解决方案,以满足我们地区的用水需求,利用我们最后一个未开发的废水来源,” said Robert Ferrante, 洛杉矶县环卫区总经理兼总工程师. “我们非常感谢我们的代理伙伴的慷慨支持和垦务局的财政承诺,以帮助我们实现这一目标."

What the speakers said:


“我们知道下一次毁灭性的干旱只是时间问题, 这就是为什么我们需要一切可用的工具来保护我们地区宝贵的水资源供应. Today’s announcement, 通过两党基础设施法对大规模水循环项目的投资而成为可能, will help us build a more reliable, more resilient water supply in Southern California.”
– U.S. 森. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.)

“I want to thank the Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner, and my friend, Camille Touton, 感谢大家聚集在一起,宣布这一期待已久的巨大投资进入我们的大型区域项目. 我想不出一个更好的机构来接受这些关键的资金:纯水. 纯水项目是南加州大都会水区和洛杉矶县环卫区等地方水务机构合作所能取得成果的光辉典范.  水的不稳定和不可预测的干旱周期将在未来几年影响我们, 确保我们社区的水安全需要所有人之间的这种合作, 并承诺为水循环项目提供资金支持. 我非常感谢国会同事们的领导,他们为今天获得拨款而奋斗, but also for our partnership with the Bureau, 在拜登-哈里斯政府中不知疲倦地为关键的水利基础设施项目提供资金. 我期待着我们继续努力,确保进一步投资于水循环利用, especially the Large-Scale Water Recycling Program, and to get more money out the door.”
– U.S. 代表. Grace Napolitano (D-El Monte)

“水循环利用是纽森州长供水战略的关键部分,以弥补我们预计到2040年因气温升高而损失的水, drier conditions. 这在一定程度上要归功于联邦与州之间通过清洁水州循环基金建立的伙伴关系, the board has distributed over $1.7 billion since 2019 to water recycling projects. 水循环利用是我们长期计划的关键和资本密集型组成部分, 联邦政府对诸如此类的主要回收188bet棋牌平台的额外支持将有助于加州应对气候挑战.”
– Joaquin Esquivel, Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board


南加州大都会水区是一个州成立的合作社, along with its 26 cities and retail suppliers, provides water for 19 million people in six counties. 该地区从科罗拉多河和北加州进口水,以补充当地的供应, and helps its members to develop increased water conservation, recycling, storage and other resource-management programs.